False advertising
I hardly write reviews but decided to write one here and not shocked to see all the other negative reviews are for the exact same reasons. The creators don’t know the difference between a single creation and multiple iterations of the same creation. They say you get 20 creations per week but what they mean is you get 10 creations and 2 iterations of each creation which you don’t ask for, it does it whether you want to waste a credit or not. Like just say you get 10 creations and people might appreciate the double iteration because it doesn’t seem to cost them. But if you pay thinking you’re getting 20 different songs, you’re gonna be disappointed. In the terms of service it says you can purchase 20 songs that don’t expire even if you cancel your subscription. You’d think well why not just sell 20 songs with no subscription? Oh probably hoping people forget to unsubscribe. So I bought 20 and used about 6, which is really only 3 but they double charge you. I cancelled so they wouldn’t charge me for another 20, and yes the remaining credits remained… but only until the week ended, then you lose any credits you had left even though the TOS says they never expire. It’s fascinating to see the song it creates for you but there’s nothing beyond that. You literally get charged 2 credits for every edit you make on a song you had no ability to customize to begin with. So say you want a female country song, expect to use up at least 4 credits just to get those 2 properties. Also every song has the same 4 beat count based on the genre. I listened to the other songs people created and they sound just like mine of the same drama. But the lies in pricing need to be reported to apple after seeing so many negative comments are because of that.