Excellent Effort from Habby but still pay to win
Archero - Excellent Survivor IO - Excellent Sssnaker - Perfection Habby's new mobile game Kinja Run plays out like a minion game with an exciting fight-as-you-run take. The game is smooth and offers a variety of skills that can be upgraded and combined with a multitude of different play-styles. This is in true Habby form. The fail is that gear comes ever so slowly after about level 14 that if you want to enjoy the game you are forced to pay for cash and gems. Truly exciting yet somehow just not equal to prior games where grinding really can get you gems and cash to buy/or upgrade your items. PS: I still haven't gotten the "double shot" skill in any single play through. Thankfully I have a console so no real need to get stuck on games that require real cash to progress and will follow through with a delete on this one. Hope this review helps & that Habby does see it and improves on this game. Peace.