hCalc is a free multifunctional calculator and converter that offers 73 comprehensive calculation and conversion tools. It features a simple interface, rich functionality, and is easy to use.
Next, let's introduce the features...
1. Unit Converters
Built-in 41 unit categories, long press to drag and sort, tap to switch the base unit, and high calculation accuracy.
Supported unit categories include: (Length, Area, Volume, Pressure, Time, Temperature, Speed, Mass, Angle, Digital Data, Energy, Power, Force, Torque, Density, Molar Mass, Amount of substance, Illuminance, Luminance, Luminosity, Fuel Consumption, Magnetic Field, Electric Conductance, Electric Conductivity, Electric Inductance, Electric Charge, Electric Current, Capacitance, Electric Potential, Electric Resistance, Acceleration, Volume Flow, Standard Volume Flow, Mass Flow, Molar Flow, Kinematic Viscosity, Dynamic Viscosity, Power Density, Thermal Resistance, Frequency, Radioactivity).
2. Productivity
(1) [Date Calculator]
• Calculate the interval between two dates or calculate a future or past date.
(2) [Time Calculator]
• Calculate the interval between two times or calculate a future or past time.
(3) [Age Calculator]
• Calculate your age instantly by entering your birthdate.
(4) [Morse Code]
• Convert text to Morse code and vice versa.
(5) [BMI Calculator]
• Calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI).
(6) [Macronutrient Calculator]
• Calculate the ideal amount of protein, carbs, and fats based on your goals.
(7) [Body Fat Percentage Calculator]
• Calculate your body fat percentage based on your measurements.
(8) [Blood Type Inheritance]
• Calculate the possible blood types of your children based on parent blood types.
3. Finance
(1) [Currency Converter]
• Instantly convert currencies with live exchange rates.
(2) [Loan Caculator]
• Calculate your loan payments.
(3) [Interest Caculator]
• Calculate simple and compound interest with ease.
(4) [Unit Price Calculator]
• Compare items with different prices and get the best deal.
(5) [Sales Tax Calculator]
• Calculate sales tax on any purchase.
(6) [Tip Caculator]
• Quickly calculate tips for your bill.
(7) [Discount Calculator]
• Calculate discounts and final prices effortlessly for all your shopping needs.
4. Math
(1) [Random Number Generator]
• Generate random numbers within a specified range instantly.
(2) [Average Calculator]
• Calculate arithmetic, geometric, harmonic, and quadratic means with ease.
(3) [GCD/LCM Caculator]
• Find the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) and Least Common Multiple (LCM) of any set of numbers.
(4) [Prime Number Checker]
• Check if a number is prime,find its prime factors,and identify the nearest prime numbers.
(5) [Fraction Calculator]
• Simplify fractions and convert decimals to fractions.
5. Developer Tools
(1) [Base Converter]
• Convert Between Binary, Decimal, Octal, and Hexadecimal Numbers.
(2) [HTTP Status Code]
• Look up and understand HTTP status codes and their meanings.
(3) [Base64 Encoder]
• Encode and decode text to and from Base64 format.
(4) [String to Hex]
• Convert between text strings and their hexadecimal representation.
(5) [CIDR Calculator]
• Calculate IP ranges and subnet masks from CIDR notation.
(6) [String Hash]
• Calculate the MD5, SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, and SHA512 hash values of a string.
(7) [View Page Source]
• Quickly view the HTML source code of any webpage.
(8) [Commonly Used Regex]
• Quick reference for frequently used regular expressions.
(9) [Whois Lookup]
• Get all possible details about a domain name.
(10) [Ping]
• Test network connectivity by sending ping requests to a specified address.
(11) [SSL Lookup]
• Get all possible details about an SSL certificate.
(12) [Random Port Generator]
• Generate random port numbers outside the range of known ports (0 to 1023).
(13) [Integer GB Partition]
• Partition your hard disk into exact integer GB sizes.
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