Solitaire for BOOMERS? What the heck? What if we’re younger?
I don’t know why they did a rebrand, but I feel somewhat put off but this reworking of something that wasn’t broken. 1. I’m not a boomer. Boomer has more of a negative connotation of late, so maybe that’s what’s got me off kilter. I guess I’m too young for this app? I am pretty close to retirement age… but am definitely not a Boomer. 2. The field of American flags at startup - what’s the purpose? What if you’re not USAian? It’s something I’d expect the parents of Boomers to be more drawn into. I can’t say what’s behind it, but for some reason I immediately thought of it as supporting a political cause. 3. I noticed the score and timer text are a little larger now, but otherwise don’t see that the screen is overall better? The menu bar has always been overcrowded, and I have a big phone - but never had an issue with the size of things before with pinch-to-zoom. I have just shy of 16,000 plays and 560 hours invested in this app, at least double that in the (paid) 50-game app, and have never had a serious user interface issue. So I don’t know, what the heck were they thinking with this change?