I only gave it four ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️because I thought the content was very useful.
This app is great for learning, but it has gotten stuck. And guess what! I tried to reset my password and it told me to write the original password! 😬 great app but function is not too good. Second time try: It is a great app for learning although each stage is quite too short. It’s pics are sooo useful and informative. I only think that they should include a kanji and hiragana/katakana section. Only romaji is not overmuch useful👍🏻😐but you can’t have everything, right? Manga has a talking sensor (is that what it’s called?) but the sensor is not too good 😕and you have to sound almost exactly like the person talking the conversation to get a 〇aka correct. Most times it’s just x aka 😑. And its only written in romaji. Buuh. I hope that they will improve to get some hiragana/katakana/kanji for this app. And some other explanatory languages like Chinese. Really good app, but needs some improvements.