Was good with great possibilities but ruined by non-content
I’ve been playing solidly for the last 6 months. Paid for removal of ads and really enjoyed the gameplay. Energy regain is slow without paying. There’s heaps of possibilities for content and quests. Bridges still left unbuilt, possible future caves, etc etc. Game mechanics were good and interesting. The developers have a great game that can provide lots of interesting things for you but the updaters rather have refocused on adding frustrating standard gaming additions like guilds, but guilds that do nothing, or special events that aren’t worth doing for players over level 5. Other players have run out of content at level 40. The quests used to be tough but doable, but now they’ve changed the ratios and some quests are impossible. So I’ve moved on…hopefully they’ll refocus on content providing long term revenue rather than empty spectacular for short term gain.