Great game, stop complaining
I’ve been playing this game about 2 months. Sometimes I only play 4-5 games a day and sometimes I don’t play for days. And I can see that many people are complaining about the game being pay to win. And in the beginning it happened maybe 5-6 times that I met people who bought cards and I got pretty irritated. But now I have full legendary cards and I’ve been grinding the grand tournament. Gaining bones to unlock legendary cards and summoning the 1-50 cards to get legendary. And I have to say, it’s all about HOW you play not WHAT cards you have, break the stones and be strategic and gain the super merge faster than the opponents. I barley have any losses and all my losses is from the beginning. I love this game, the idea of the mechanics how the game works is amazing. And I know this game will evolve and be very big in the future. To the game developers, keep up the good work and I notice a lot of balancing in the game with each update. Keep being awesome ! - M