í ղҽѵҽɾ ցօϯ α rϵϩϼϴͷϩϵ frϴϻ ϯhϵ δϵνϵlϴϼϵr. ῖ Ϧϴῠϭhϯ ϯhϵ ϼrϴ νϵrϩῖϴͷ Ϧϵͼαῠϩϵ ῖϯ ϩαῖδ ϯhϵrϵ ϣϵrϵ ͷϴ αδϩ. ϭῠϵϩϩ ϣhαϯ? ϩϯῖll ϭϴϯ ϯhϵϻ. Please tell me how to get rid of the ads please. Please tell me. This is my favorite game. In fact I bought this iPod touch 5 just so I could play this game and the ads are going to make me go crazy, uninstall then go on safari and hunt down a certain app dev. Hurry let's be quick with the solution. I will pay whatever the cost.