Fridge cam
Got the fridge cam for Xmas - tested it for a few months now, got to says this is the most useless smart appliance I got. The connection process was an absolute nightmare - problems putting a Wi-Fi device in a metal fridge that closely resembles a faraday cage is kinda self explanatory. The nice thing is that the app has a dedicated button for this - if you click the button and enter your address - it sends a automatically generated mail, asking for a Wi-Fi extender. Which was promptly shipped from Amazon to my address (I live in Norway btw)- the Wi-Fi extender came with US power connection which of course doesn’t work in Norway. After buying an adapter in my local hardware store I installed the Wi-Fi extender. After testing different placements for set extender, I ended up placing the dammed device with an extension chord on top of the fridge - which was the only place the Wi-Fi extender was able to communicate with the camera - still the connection is rated poor in the app. Now I have the joy of slower Wi-Fi in general due to latency of Wi-Fi extender - Now to the functionality of the device it self. First you have to calibrate the camera , that is finding a position so that it captures the best view of your fridge - we have one the double door type of fridge - which the setup has no option for- this procedure I had to repeat maybe 8 times due to timeout because of the poor connection. The camera is placed in a small flexible grip that is attached with strong tape to the fridge - the placement is very exposed - Sometimes it takes a picture , usually with a pair of hands in front of the camera - not great for interpreting what you have inside your fridge - but I kinda see it could be useful - what I find interesting is that the pictures that are displayed on the app are so few- days apart- but that damned camera flashes every time I open the fridge. The app also scan products you put into the fridge - but this only supports products bought at Tesco - which doesn’t exist in Norway- I cannot speak for the other smart devices connected to this app- But the fridge cam is not worth the carbon footprint- buy something else with your hard earned currency. Yours Sincerely J