Best Bible APP
I love this App!! I read that so much was lost in translating from the original Hebrew text, and of course I was curious. At the time, I didn't know this App, let alone Robert Young's translation existed. So I did some research and found an online class for learning Hebrew. I figured if I learned the language, I could read a Hebrew Bible. But then I thought, "Where else would I use Hebrew besides reading the Bible?" That's when I found Robert Young's translation. I debated whether to get this App or the book. I've tried a few Bible Apps over the years, and they're so complicated to navigate with Voiceover. Not only is this App free, it is so simple and easy to navigate. I love that there is a daily Bible reading and verse. There are however a few things I personally think could be fixed. I tried using the search feature, and I couldn't really figure it out. A tutorial explaining how to use this feature would be nice. My main bug fix though is the adds. Most of the adds have a close button that lets me return to the Bible, however with some of them, I need sighted help. I was told that there is an ex at the top left corner that when pressed, closed the add. Voiceover doesn't read that ex aloud however and when that happens, I have to close and re-open the App until I can access the App again. I would appreciate if this would be fixed. Other than those small bugs, this is my favorite Bible App out there.