This game needs to balance difficulty level with fun
At stage 16 this game as gotten way too difficult to play and its just not fun anymore. There is a delicate balance of being challenging and fun but this is just plain difficult and it’s becoming less enjoyable. Stages need to be doable without having to utilise all the drums and extras but some stages are just IMPOSSIBLE if you don’t use the drums. I get that they want people to pay for it but honestly I’ll rather just stop playing altogether. Even the events that they say can help you win some stuff.. like the go go event, that’s just impossible. You have to clear 7 stages in a go else the counter resets. You can do that if you’re playing level 1 but at level 16 is just crazy impossible. Each level takes at least 2-3 tries and that’s if you’re lucky, most of them take me 5 tries minimum and up to 10-20 attempts before I can clear it. Free games need to make it such that the people who play for free still feel enjoyable. Sumi maybe cute but at this rate this is just ridiculous. I might quit the game soon.