Used to be a good app.
I have a few AAB SmartTools. The AAB-200 Airflow & Environmental meter and the AAB TS-100 Temp & Humidity Data Logger. They are older, before they were bought out by CPS. The original AAB App worked wonders, was easy to use and didn’t glitch at all. This new App, CPS Link is bad. Not very intuitive, buffers every time I switch back to the app and try to see the readings. I placed my data logger in a Walk-In cooler. I left it for 48hrs too see how things were running (they like to leave the door open). When I open the App and try to connect the device, the app will eventually show the device as connected, but won’t open to show the readings. Restarted the App, nothing. Restarted my phone and found the same thing. Had to cycle power on the tool for it to reconnect, doing so cleared the data.