Fractions and Decimals on Autopilot
You don’t need a fraction calculator to convert decimals to fractions any more than you need one to add 3 + 4. Decimal to Fraction conversion should be effortless and automatic.
Conversion Facts Made Effortless
Quick test: What is 5 x 6? Now, what is 5/6 as a percent?
If the second question took longer than the first, this app is for you. Those are equally simple math facts, and can be equally automatic.
Adaptive Learning Makes it Fun and Frustration Free
These aren’t just a bunch of fraction math flashcards. The app adapts to your level and gives you the right mix of repetition and new facts to keep you in the zone: challenged but not frustrated. It makes mastery automatic.
It’s the ultimate hack to turn your brain into a decimal to fraction calculator.
There are 4 types of math facts to practice:
- Fraction to Decimal conversion
- Decimal to Fraction conversion
- Fraction to Percent conversion
- Percent to Fraction conversion
Fractions, decimals and percentages - rates, probabilities, ratios: this is the language of business, information, and science. Effortlessly converting between them is the key to being fluent. It gives you a number sense that is incredibly valuable.
To your new fraction calculator brain - “87.5% of people can’t…” instantly means “only 1 out of 8 can..” You don’t have to think about it any more than you’re reading these words.
You’ll improve after playing for just a few minutes, and it doesn’t take long to achieve mastery. Just a few minutes a day for about a month… or if you prefer a half hour a day for a week - and you’ll have it forever.
Your brain will permanently have a fraction to decimal calculator. So, you’ll always be able to turn decimals into fractions and back again.
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