Get in the habit of successfully managing your money! Learn how to Invest in the Stock Market. Get a better picture of income & expenses. Set your Bill Reminders, calculate your Rental Property Return of Investment & Mortgage Payments.
This is the Home Screen, it highlights the application features and an Epic animation of our beloved logo
What if you wanted to learn how to trade stocks but didn't have the money or capital to start? Why are these financial statements look so complicated and overwhelmed?
Download DR.EPIC MONEY to solve all these investment questions especially the ones related to learning to trade stocks while using Live Stock data but without using your actual money, instead, you will be leveraging "play money".
DR. EPIC will give you $500K ($500 Thousands or Half a Million of play money "not really money added to your bank account, but instead money used in the App only" for learning purposes)
Your goal and challenge, should you choose to accept, is to become a Millionaire while investing the initial $500k of play money.
The Home Screen includes the following features:
Portfolio Balance = an overview of your total investment balance (play money)
Market Indexes = S&P 500, Dow 30, Nasdaq, Russell 2000, Crude Oil, Gold, Silver, EUR/USD, GPD/USD, USD/JPY, BTC-USD, CMC Crypto 200, FTSE 100
Watchlist = We've included Top 100 Public US Companies' Indexes, click on the View All and Edit their order (for example if you want to see AAPL Apple Stocks at the Top, then Hold & Drag it to the top while in Edit mode
Click on the Company Index to view their Statistical data and Graph (1Day, 1Week, 1Month, 2Month, 3Month, 6Month, 1Year)
Buy Stock = Go to the Company Index detail page to see your investment: how many Shares, Profit & Lost, Average Cost (this is the cost that you purchased the Stock). When you click on the "Buy" button, enter the number of Shares you would like to purchase
Sell Stock = Go to the Company Index detail page to see your investment, click on the "Sell" button to sell your Shares
This is an educational app and it’s simple and intuitive for the average person that want to learn how to trade stocks while using play money
Record your Income & Expenses, get a better picture of your money flow and spending habits
Create + Print Invoices, mark invoices as paid, stay on top of your work and payments
Stay abreast with Crypto Prices, View Chart Graph, Calculate how much you would have made if you invested in Crypto 1 Month ago, 1 Year ago and 2 Years ago
Add your monthly bills, get reminders when your payments are due, see how much you’re spending on your monthly bills
Calculate how much you need to save to purchase your dream house
Calculate your return of investment when your rent your property
This is a great feature that includes beautiful sounds to help you meditate, focus, relax or pump your creative juice.
Meditating with sounds may help align your mind to think and live with a positive vibe, therefore be more creative when managing your money
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We offer the following 2 Subscription levels:
Monthly: $5.99
Yearly: $59.99
Enjoy! Become a Billionaire!
#EpicMoney #DrEpicMoney #Money
#Invest #Investment #Stock #Crypto #Cryptocurrency
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