Hospital Near Me helps you find the the closest medical emergency response centers (ERs) near your location.
Hospital Near Me support Augmented Reality technology and Rada View. You can find very eassy every Hospital near you!
Hospital Near Me uses your device's GPS to quickly locate nearby ERs anywhere around you. You can select the closest ER or another nearby ER in a map or list format. Once you select an ER, you have 1-click access to directions to the ER.
Hospital Near Me is ideal for travelers, especially those suffering chronic medical conditions, or those traveling with friends or relatives with health problems. Whether you are traveling or close to home, find the nearest ER quickly with Hospital Near Me!
If you have any feedback, suggestions, complaints or ideas, feel free to contact us at:
[email protected]
Thanks for looking at Hospital Near Me,
Hospital Near Me uses Google Maps™ API to plot locations and hence relies on the accuracy of the data provided by Google Maps™. The developer makes no assurance on the accuracy, relevancy or correctness of the data provided by the application.
Google™ and Google Maps™ are registered trademarks of Google Inc.