It is the easiest way to make money in stocks with the best investment strategies (Swing Trading and Quantitative Value). We optimize the profitability of our investments.
Main functions:
- Create and customize your trading or long term portfolios with all the tools and knowledge needed and become a professional and successful investor.
Swing Trading
- Our search engine will help you to get the data for your trading (stop, trend, expected range).
-Use ir to make Swing Trading or as a signal to make day trading, scalping or mid term trading
- Discover our model portfolios and how they operate, and get an idea of the return percentages that a swing trader can make.
Quantitative Value
- Use our screens to create your value investment portfolio as the world’s largest fund managers do (Warren Buffet, García Parames or Joel Greenblatt).
- Create your portfolios based on the company’s financial statements (PER, P/V, ROA, etc.) and sleep-easy.
- use our short screens to make coverage or create long/short value investment strategies, the new value investment strategies used by the most profitable funds in USA.
- Discover our Quantitative Value model portfolios and how they operate, and get an idea of the return percentages that you can make.
Your opinion matters:
This application will improve with each update, so we are delighted to hear your proposals and suggestions. Please send them to the following email address:
[email protected]