A guide for all Muslim users, Muslim Time offers a rich content along with multiple functionalities such as Daily Prayer Times, Quran, Qibla, Nearby Mosque Locator, Dhikr, and Daily Prayers.
• Different prayer time calculation methods depending on your location
• Reminder when it's time for prayer
• Easy access to today's verse, hadith and prayers
• Counting dhikr with Dhikrmatic
• Finding mosques around you
• The Holy Quran with translation and memorization features
• Quick access to daily prayers, important prayers and surahs
• 99 names of Allah
• Islamic calendar also showing important religious days
• Missed salah tracking
• Language preferences in Turkish, English, German, Dutch, French, Azerbaijani, Malay, Indonesian, Arabic
• Prayer time tracking with Apple Watch application
If you think that the application displays the prayer times incorrectly, it may be due to your prayer time calculation settings in the application. Please make sure you choose the correct calculation method and parameters.
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