Cool App Overall
Overall, this app is fun and nice to have pictures sent from other people on your Home Screen. There are a few things that can be improved though: 1/ If you want to send an image, correct me if I’m wrong but there’s no way to send it to just one of your friends on the app if you have friended multiple people on your contacts. 2/ The bar where you choose what colours that you want to use for your drawing covers some of your drawing space there might already be a way around this but I’m not totally sure and it would be good if you could move it. 3/ It would also be cool if you could zoom into your drawing so you could add tiny features to your drawing not possible with fingers. 4/ Finally, this app could do with an option to add text or emojis or similar things rather than just ink Other that that, this app is pretty cool and a nice way to talk to friends through images it’s simple to use and you can easily chat to anyone without having to worry about random people sending inappropriate things and it feels safe for anyone who is worried about security so on the whole I would recommend this app :D