● WitchWitch is waiting for your daily stories.
In WitchWitch, there are daily live stories on the map as pictures and video snapshots.
Find out where users are most active!
● Save up your stories on the map.
You can always access daily stories that you have drawn on your personal map.
Save up the special memories you want to recall!
● Upload and collect your rewards.
Try out different missions on the map for rewards, and quests will reward you with WIT!
You may exchange WIT for different prizes!
● WitchWitch permission requests.
WitchWitch requests location access to provide users with a convenient application experience.
1. Location Access
- Uploading content on the specific location
- Loading content around users
2. Camera Access
- Taking photos and video snapshots for contents
● If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact the following:
- 이메일 :
[email protected]
- 홈페이지 : https://witchwitch.io/
- 트위터 : https://twitter.com/witchwitch_sns
- 페이스북 : https://www.facebook.com/witchwitch.sns
- 인스타그램 : https://www.instagram.com/witchwitch_official/
- 네이버 블로그 : https://blog.naver.com/witchwitch_official
- 미디엄 : https://witch-official.medium.com/