Just got this game really good game, but the problem is it’s kind of hard to drive the car. mom doesn’t have a baby bump and when I got to level eight, the screen was just pitch black I was confused and then it showed you all the levels and it said more levels coming soon. So it’s really annoying because I love this game but it’s annoying that they didn’t have more levels in the first place because you go by through all the levels in like 20-30 minutes. Also, you’re always get a baby boy. I don’t know if you’re ever going to get a girl. You’re also the dad and not the mom in the game. I wish there was an option to be mom or dad. Thank you for reading this. Oh, and also every time you pass a level you have a five second ad which is kind of annoying, but it’s only five seconds so it doesn’t really bother me, but it is a little annoying. Hope you agree! Or soon agree!