Game is alright but the company is completely trash. They introduced the new playing way and claimed it to be ended at 2200 and reward at 2300 since day 1. And multiple players been question about the timing on fb page and the company kept on reassuring it as the ranking will be concluded at 2200. However when it comes it didn’t ended at 2200 but instead ended at 2300 and the company only updated a NEW announcement AROUND 2240 saying there are some “misunderstanding” 🙄🙄🙄 regarding the timing issues cuz it’s 2300, welp it’s just ultimately disgusting cuz A LOT of us throw in every resource BEFORE 2159 thinking it be our last chance to boost the rank for better reward or even get the title. The reward is not much of a big deal but this behavior is ultimately disgusting 🤮🤮🤮 save up your time and energy or even money on other game with similar storyline/ type/ game experience that does not run by such a disgrace/ disgusting company. You are welcome for such an honest review, I wish your company fit in hell.