Lots of improvements, but good start
I really like the UI for the front page, dividing savings into 3 (short medium long) is a really good way to separate savings. However, a lot of basic features can be added: 1. When adding expenses, please an option to add Category, I notice a lot of it is missing. For example: Food/Meals is too general, there should be two: Groceries & meals out. And groceries are Needs while Meals out could be Wants. And loans are more than just House & Car, I’d like to add Education loan (for millions of malaysians with PTPTN loans cmon). 2. I realized that the formula for 50/30/20 ratio for Needs/Wants/Savings is missing. Please include different ratio formulas that are popular globally to ensure different users with different needs & backgrounds can use this app. 3. There should be a monthly, yearly view dashboards to see expenses across several months. 4. There should be features that allow us to evaluate trends of our spending in each category.