by Sunoo the matchmakers, a matchmaking platform for single men and women around the world operated by Sunoo the matchmakers
■ Matching
1. Recommendation: The AI of finds the most compatible matchings.
2. Couple Manager Recommendation: Receive recommendations from the couple managers. After receiving a recommendation, check the picture, video, profile, self-introduction of the recommended person and decide whether to accept or reject. Both parties must agree to meet in person.
3. Self Searching/Reside Overseas/Value Searching
Using Age, Career, Education, Financial situation, Religion/The county where you wish to meet in/Value to decide on requesting/receiving a date.
■ How to use
1. Upload your picture and profile.
2. Check others’ pictures and profiles using's searching service.
3. Once you find someone interesting, you can send/receive a date request. Both parties must accept the date request to meet in person.
4. Contact information will be exchanged then schedule to meet in person on your own.
■ Questions? Please contact our customer service.
[email protected]