A hopeful work in progress
This app is wonderfully laid out. I love that you can assign positions to the many possible diving tools on the market. It has easy to use features. However there are some big flaws that have me questioning the validity of the data. Flaw #1. It has user preferences where you can select meters or feet. And even when you have your preferences set to feet some of the items display the return length in meters. This should be easily fixed in the programming or the app instead of me pulling out a calculator to convert. Flaw #2. The data is not interpolated or extrapolated to various speeds. It is instead using the luhrJensen 10% difference whether or not it is 2%, 10%, or 15%. Interpolation can also be easily programmed Flaw #3. I might be wrong but a dipsy diver is both a weight and a foil. Like sticking your hand out the window of a speeding car your hand will climb and dive with more force the faster you go. Based on this simplistic example of a foil you would assume that the faster you go the deeper the foil should dive. However this is exactly opposite of what this app shows at faster speeds. It is true that weights will dive less the faster you go, but a foil should dive deeper up to a parabolic point. Since a dipsy is both a weight and a foil it might go either depending on whether the foil is the overwhelming force. However when examining the deep six it also dives shallower at faster speeds. I hope if you are considering this app that you buy it in hopes that it will continue to be perfected as it could potentially be an amazing tool. Once this app and my understanding come into harmony I will improve my rating.