eContacts provides a simple interface to create and manage groups of your contacts for your addressbook.
eContacts is a most powerful contact addressbook application.
Easily create and manage groups of contacts.
√ View and manage contact groups from a single, easy to navigate view.
√ Create, delete, rename, sort and navigate contact groups with all in a single view.
√ Group Mail/Group SMS.
√ Drag & Drop (Single or multiple contacts into or out of group)
√ Powerful search within groups, by any part of the name and phone number and office name.
√ Delete multiple contacts from the address book in a single go.
√ Send contact infomation by Mail or SMS.
√ People can be in more than one group.
√ Set an image for each group.
√ Retina display supported.
√ Multi-tasking.
√ Available on iPhone 4.0 OS or higher.
Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how to improve app?
We welcome your suggestions and feedback.
Send an email to:
[email protected]