Wonderful game, I hope that the localization of Igor in other languages…
Hello, dear developer, I am writing to you in English, despite the fact that it is not my native language. This game has become interesting for me. the availability is good, but I hope that in the future localization in all supported languages will become more detailed and will be localized more. For example, the differences between a bar and a tavern are obvious, so I really want if it was a tavern in all game areas, it would be called a tavern in all languages of the game. Also, information about adventurers' characteristics should also be translated into other languages. I understand that the translation process is a very complicated process, and I'm not asking you to do everything at once, but if it's done, it will be great. I will keep an eye on updates of your wonderful games and will definitely buy it as soon as the opportunity arises, thank you for making such an interesting wonderful project and success in all your endeavors.