Surprisingly Effective Learning Tool - But not for everyone!
This app throws you in the deep end. No explanations or objectives or anything. This is NOT suitable for a complete beginner starting on the journey of learning Korean letters. However, if you have been watching Youtube and learned some or all of the Korean letters, and you want a flash card to refine your pronunciation or test yourself, this apps works well. This app is suitable for anyone wanting to take the consonants and vowels together to form words and sound them out. There are odd this that pop-up at the end of the chapters. Like a photo of ‘marathon runners crossing the finish line’. Is the test word ‘runners’ or ‘marathon’ or ‘finish line’? No idea. Dora (children’s book character) appears in the app as well. What if learners don’t recognise the character? I think the developer would be better off using pictures like ‘apple’ or ‘banana’ or some other simple objects that will not confuse the learner. I would have rated 3-stars but because the Lite app gave me couple of days of learning, the value-add, plus effectiveness of this app made it worthy of 4-stars.