App on IPhone doesn’t work!!!!
I work with one of the largest franchised real estate brokerages in the world, within our brand. We adopted Loopminder quite a while ago, but recent updates, either with Apple or with Loopminder, made it inoperative, unreliable and almost worthless. I have made several pleas to our tech-support at our franchise and it never gets fixed. There’s an insinuation often that, “it’s probably Loopminder‘s problem”. Most recently, on the app, if you set yellow ribbon reminder bookmark, it clears it and pops the menu up. It won’t stay. The counter on the emoji is almost always wrong too for unread messages. Many more operational defects make it unusable. I’ve deleted it off of my iPhone. Since it is our brokerage’s main line of communication, I now access Loopminder through my Safari browser, I have to log in every time I want to check any information, or switch to that screen if I leave it open. I just wanted to look at the counter on the desktop app to see if I need to check any messages on Loopminder. The developer is not aware of these problems, or they don’t care. I used to develop software for a living, so I understand this environment.