Bug Reports and Comments Please Read Through
So this game is amazing I never stop playing with it but its very laggy and buggy the pig keeps randomly freezing every once and awhile and also the repeating is weird as well when something or someone is making noise and stuff including music he will just stop listening then listen again also he should have a setting where he can listen longer about 10 minutes or more maybe an 1 hour also they should add more things to the game more Clothes hats games more things to do it’ll just make the game more fun but try not to copyright other apps this game should also have a bathroom so we can clean Piggy getting dressed should have the background of his cupboard one last thing the food he should have like different food and different interactions but that’s everything if you could add these stuff that’ll be great also i’m not just talking about the app as well the other apps should have these things but of course they’ll all be different but thanks if you read this this spent ages writing this so please read thank you