Not conducive to mobile
Lots of great links and info, however because this app relies on redirects, making this information available on mobile is a bit perplexing. The process of filling out google surveys from a cell phone, and having to enter credentials over and over for each form is unnecessarily tedious. Additionally, some of these resources (such as the link to my program’s google calendar) have not been shared with me personally in any other format as of this writing, making this app the only way I have to access them. The problem with this is that on iOS 13.5.1, users are unable to copy any of the hyperlinked urls to their clipboard, or otherwise export them from the app. When a user clicks links with in the app, a view-only web browser (not safari or system default browser) is launched. Taken together, this makes sections like “links to bookmark” and the aforementioned calendar link essentially useless.