A solid clicker with some originality :)
This game has a couple really cool unique touches, to my knowledge. One of the treasure types you can pick up while playing is a random boss ticket. And it is worth picking them up and fighting those random bosses due to the other unique touch -- Each kind of relic (they grant permanent bonuses) is obtained and then upgraded by winning against a specific kind of boss. I can't read what each relic does since I don't know Japanese, but I assume it is worth fighting and re-fighting the bosses, including the random ones, to obtain them. Restarting in this clicker doesn't award relics; that is accomplished via bosses; what restarting does earn you is cash (well, zombie heads) and the chance to re-battle earlier bosses for relics. That works fine. All in all this is a solid clicker with way too many blue and green zombies (lol). Staring at endless zombies may or may not be your thing, but other than them the rest of the pixel-graphics characters and backgrounds look pretty sweet. You gotta love a big ol spider with the head of a bull. :)