نحن نقدم الكثير من أصوات الحيوانات المختلفة والأصوات المضحكة.
الحيوانات: الأسود والفيلة والباندا والقرود والطيور والقطط والجراء والحيتان والأغنام والضفادع والأبقار
الألعاب: بوق ، صافرة ، لعبة بطة ، ماكينة حلاقة ، يضرطن ، تصفيق ، مسدس ، مسدس ليزر ، سيارة ، مقص
الطبيعة: الرعد والبرق والمطر والنهر والأمواج والغابات ونار المخيم
We provide lots of different animal sounds and funny noises. You can use it to prank your friends or play with pets.
- Animals: lions, elephants, pandas, monkeys, birds, kittens, puppies, whales, sheep, frogs, cows, pig, tiger, fox, horse, bear, wolf, owl, penguin, bee, giraffe, hippo, goat, donkey, pigeon, eagle, crow, deer, mouse, duck, dinosaur, buffalo, rhino, koala, parrot, gorilla
- Pranks: trumpet, whistle, toy duck, razor, farting, clapping, pistol, laser gun, car, scissors, ghost, chain saw, drum, wooden fish, party horn, baby crying, firecrackers, fireworks
- Nature: thunder, lightning, rain, river, waves, forest, campfire
Touch colorful icons to hear the sounds of animals, toys and natural soundscapes. This is an easy way to Help your friends discovering the nature life.
• Human-friendly design
• High-quality pictures and sounds
• New updates every month
- Make sure the volume is turned up and the ringer switch on the side of your phone is in the “On” position while playing sounds.
- This free app is maintained through advertising. To reduce the impact of advertising, remove it for only $0.99. As a free gift, you will also get an instant, full and unlimited access to the whole app!
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