Now you can create your own travel story map!
Record and share your good memories at your travel destination
We will create your own travel map based on the location information in the photos!
1. Register your flight. We will provide you with easy-to-understand information on departure and arrival procedures at a glance.
2. Share the information on your flight with your friends and family.
3. Share information with people on the same flight through comments.
4. Create your own travel map.
5. Purchase essential items for your trip with the mileage points that accumulate every day.
6. Check the congestion level of the departure hall by time zone.
7. We will provide you with the location and information of convenient facilities in Incheon International Airport.
8. We will inform you of the number of parking spaces available in the long-term and short-term parking lots of Terminal 1 and Terminal 2 in real time.
9. Use the exchange rate tab when you need a currency converter while traveling!
Thank you.
*Information provided by - Incheon International Airport Corporation
Inquiries -
[email protected]