Real-time Communities at Every Spot Around You
Join now and meet new people!
[Hotspots Near Me]
See all the nearby hotspots at a glance, centered around your current location!
[User Search]
See all the people participating in the spots you visit at once!
We've added a timeline feature that allows you to check schedules in real-time.
[1:1 DM]
In addition to group chats, select users you're interested in and have private conversations.
[Optional Access Permissions]
- Location: Provides information about nearby stores based on your current location.
- Photo Library: Allows you to save images and attach them to your profile picture.
- Camera: Allows you to attach photos to your profile.
* Optional access permissions are required when using the corresponding features. You can still use the service without allowing these permissions.
[Terms and Conditions]
Terms of Service:
Privacy Policy:
Location-Based Service Terms:
[Customer Support]
[email protected]
If you experience any problems or errors while using the app, please contact us through 1:1 inquiry or send an email to our customer support.