Fact: Corals don't grow before your eyes. Frankly, nothing in our aquarium grows that fast except for our chaeto... because you bought one of those fancy refugium lights after a BRStv binge that you're still trying to justify the cost... #allmymoneygoestochaeto
By the maker of the Aquarium Camera App. Tested by over 250 reef aquarists on the Reef2Reef forums!
Telling others about the new frags you bought from World Wide Corals (who graciously supplied the screenshots for this app) and how nicely they have started encrusting since you started that zeovit system is great, but what if you could SHOW them how fast they were growing? That's what this app is all about: Proving how your maintenance is helping spur better growth, getting your likes up on your social media channels, owning your next aquarium club meetup, and having the coolest plant and coral growth log of all time!!
Start by taking pictures of your corals, plants, snails, crabs, starfish, and full sections of your tank. Every few days take another picture using the same orientation. I've created an easy to use the overlay tool to line up your shot from the previous photo. Once you have enough photos, hit play and watch your plants and corals grow before your eyes! When it's time to post progress, with a touch of a button a time-lapse video will be created for you to save to your device library and to share on your favorite aquarium social media channels.
• Create any number of aquarium photo collections
• Easily add new photos over time using the in-app camera
• Show/Hide an overlay of your last photo so that each new photo lines up precisely with the last one you took
• Toggle text overlays for the date each photo was taken
• Toggle slide order to keep track of looping shots
• Easily export videos to your device library
• Easily share square videos to your social media channels
• All photos automatically get placed in an album on your device
Thanks for checking out this app! Proceeds for these apps go back into making more apps we all wish we had to help maintain our tanks. I'd love your feedback on the website as I continue to support this and my other apps for aquarium lovers into the foreseeable future.
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