You’ll never get past level 324 with $$$$$
Very cute game. This company has struggled to understand successful game design. They’re good for the first month or two of the relationship, then their non-linear minds falls flat. I put a lot of money in the game, bought the “OFFLINE” Managers, which DO NOT WORK AT ALL. Total theft if purchased. Apple doesn’t care of developers steal from their customers as long as they get their 30%. The game tops at level 200 FIGHTING, so after a few hundred bucks, you’ll never be able to fight again, EVER. Upgrades after level 320 cost $$$$. After doing the math, one will have to spend nearly $1000 to get to level 400 unless you play the game 24 hours a day for around 300 days. There is an opportunity to make everything better, but given the evident lack of long-term gameplay design, I think we can all delete it at level 320. DO NOT BUY THE OFFLINE MANAGERS!!!! THEY DO NOT WORK!