Update much better!
I purchased this app so I could save the results. Upon receiving the picture, it saves the original mutation. All the tweaks and adjustments you've made are lost! The filters don't resuilt in very usable material. And many of them are black even if I tried changing the sliders all day long. The Ul needs to be fixed So that user care press the colored buttons on the right-sliding is unintuitive. Or maybe put a mark on the centered one. I'm going to hang in there and not return my money for a week to see if the save feature gets fixed and change my гating. Good luck! -----November 22, 2021------- Updated Stars!: Yes! You fixed it & promptly! Now I can now save my work in high resolution! And there are new features! Great job. I'm going to hang in there for the long run. Really cool different and interesting results! Great job developer!