Wow, this app really works! I’ve tried A LOT of audio clipping apps the past few days now, and absolutely none of these apps could do the job. Until I found this app. It worked! Finally I found an app that actually could clip audio files. Many of the other apps would only import from iTunes, but this app will import from other places also. It isn’t to complicated to understand either. I got it working right away, and I’m so pleased now. The reason behind my (only) four star rating is that the app could look and feel a little nicer. It would be a lot more popular if it got a new fresh design, a new cool icon, and a new cool name. I wish this app a bigger usercrowd. Because I think it’s the only app that actually works at clipping other-than-iTunes sound clips. It also can export the clips to where ever you want. And that too works just perfectly. Thanks to the developer. I’m very happy that I finally found an app that works. This is a keeper.