Great app for speech apraxia
While this is not necessarily intended as an AAC (augmentative and alternative communication) app, it's actually the best one I found for my situation after evaluating about a dozen different AAC apps. My wife had brain surgery and lost speech (hopefully temporarily). She still has full comprehension and can come up with the words and type on her phone fine. I needed an app that did two basic things: display what she typed in big text and full screen, and speak for her. 90% of the time she types what she wants to say and just shows people her phone. In a group where maybe she doesn't want to show everyone her phone individually, then she has the app speak for her. While some of the AAC apps have features for a broader range of disabilities, with things like pictures, advanced predictive text, AI/natural voices, etc, I didn't need any of that. Most were expensive monthly subscriptions and this app was a very small one time purchase to get the speech feature. Because it uses the iOS voices available in accessibility (there are a LOT now), that works just fine for "natural enough" speech. We found we like the "Zoe" voice. Being able to quickly adjust the size of the text displayed, and the shake to speak are great features. If I had any suggestions it would be two, and the first is simple: put a speak link/button on the main screen. It's three taps currently to tap done, then the "send to" button, then "read aloud." Shake to speak is great but just tapping a button right when she's done typing would be great. The one line options at the bottom could just have this added so it's "clear / speak / done" instead of just "clear" and "done". The second might be a bit more work, but iOS 17 lets apps request to use "personal voice" now. You can train iOS with your own voice, and then apps can use that for text to speech, but the app has to be programmed for that. I think it would be a game changer for people in a situation like my wife's to have an app "speak" with their own voice (assuming you trained it prior to losing speech or used recordings/AI to train personal voice in iOS). Thanks for keeping this simple, for not using a subscription model, and for an app that has made a significant difference in my wife's quality of life.