Safe points, and other things
I’m very disappointed in how this game starts out, and runs in general. At first, the PC instructions are still present for how to do the attacks, so do they apply to iPhone users? Plus, whenever you were given the choices as to who to talk to, first, like the fisherman, the game skips on his area… That of the fisherman, but only in audio. I was also wondering what the same points were, as the other Blind quest had them. That means, you have to play this game all in one sitting? What if people can’t do this feasibly, but want to continue on from where they left off? Also, you can’t swipe down to get to the leaderboard when you first start out. I think the other Bible system was better, the one in the original Blind quest. It still took some time to get used to, but it was better. Please change it back when you get a chance. it’s not possible for a direct, touch users… Those of us using voiceover that is… To follow the new comment system.