Good but missing some key features of last app
While the app was useful overall (a particular highlight was the updates on the main page still updating even with dodgy signal!), me and my camp all found it had certain issues that the last app did not have. On the clashfinder page, the app would default to the start of Thursday every time you opened it, rather than moving along to the actual time it was (which the old app used to do) - I know there was a line on the clashfinder page to indicate the current time, but having to switch days and then zoom out to see the entire clashfinder on screen was annoying to do every time. However, the key thing missing from this version was that the old app used to give a 15 minute notification before a band you had favourited was playing! This was so incredibly useful (and worked even without signal) and we'd love to see it back next year :) Also I think it would be helpful to notify people of any lineup changes (e.g. Sacred Reich/Gatecreeper) via the app so even if people aren't at the stage, they can see the bands they want to. Thanks, looking forward to next year!