b r e a z e
Language of the Heart-Breath-Body
Take care of your self, refresh your soul
* Pay compassionate attention
* Breathe & love your life
* Clear your breath of struggles
* Clear your body of stress & anxiety
* Clear your mind of negative predictions
* Clear your heart of fear & stuck emotions
* Access your breath intelligence
* Re-member who you are
* Follow your bliss
in a sacred manner & in celebration
"The B R E A ZE helps you find the tight, anxious and negative places in your heart, mind and body, breathe love into them, and follow your bliss."
Just like a computer that needs to be frequently refreshed, lest it become sluggish, so does our energy—our body, mind, breath and soul. Our body, mind, breath and soul need to "reset," "refresh," and "replenish" themselves.
The B R E A Z E is a restorative breathing and movement practice—a system for self-healing—offering musical meditations to connect to your body, mind and spirit, clear your energy, and heal your life now.
Release stress, struggle, and anxiety. Cultivate self-compassion, joy, and ease. Open your heart and follow the breath. Move with grace and make space. Dance and celebrate.
As you practice The B R E A Z E you will begin to feel invigorated. You will get inspired, whether you're a refugee with PTSD, dealing with loss, trauma, addiction, anxiety, or depression.
This holistic self care practice is enjoyed by people of all ages, cultures, and genders. It can be shared with friends and family, co-workers and kids. The BREAZE is offered in training programs and practice communities worldwide.
The BREAZE app allows you to practice wherever you go.
- Set alerts to receive reminders to breathe, do the moving practice, or be guided through an intervention.
- 6 original audio tracks included.
- Choose 'refresh your soul' quote to hear brief, inspirational words of wisdom from Samuel.
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