Really Fun, And Now, Better!
UPDATE 2!! It’s been a couple months since I’ve played, and although it doesn’t appear there was an update, I’m seeing new things. Quests are fun!! I’m playing the “Bus” quest and having a blast. I wish I could play the previous days I missed. I’m still stuck on level 96, but now with all the improvements it doesn’t feel like it’s impossible, I just need to sharpen my strategy. THANK YOU! to the Developer! You have demonstrated that you care about this game and the players, which is greatly appreciated! UPDATE! I originally gave this game two stars. I now double that, because it appears the developers actually listen to suggestions, and have made the game a *lot* better. The hard levels are, well, *hard*, but I’m eventually able to get through. The music is a very welcome addition - and it adds to the whimsy of the game. Thanks for the improvements! The cat animations are very cute, but there is no background music or sound efx. Adding little purrs when a kitty settles in would be great! That’s not the reason I gave it two stars, though. What really detracts from the game is that it appears to be set up to ensure you lose, so you will spend money on “power-ups”. The rewards for completing a level are pitifully small; in most games, the player will usually earn enough to get a “power-up” that can be used in a harder level. I got sucked into it once; I thought it would help build a base of points that I could replenish as I completed levels. Not so! It also appears that some levels are simply impossible (requiring you to buy your way through). I’m at level 47, and regardless of strategy, no options present to clear the field. I forfeit a life and replay, and have not yet had the luck to have the odds in my favor. My advice to potential players: download it, have fun until frustration sets in, then offload it and hope improvements will be made.