Useful / economical / scarce
Keeping in touch with people is something we’re all trying to do (right?) so why aren’t there more apps supporting this. The first one I came across was Garden - but that seems to now be abandoned, and is unstable. This is a pretty good substitute. Add names (shame you can’t categorize them eg home and work) and the set a frequency to stay in touch at some predetermined interval (shame you can’t customize that, you get the choice of once a week or every two weeks etc). And then you get to click and update when you speak to folks (this app does a nice job of capturing a journal entry - but sadly doesn’t seem to back up to iCloud - so I don’t feel confident about relying on this repository of conversation). It seems stable and the price seems fair. Although it was last updated 11 months ago as of this writing - so hopefully will be maintained? A great idea, a good (but not great) implementation. Still recommended - but wished it did a little more.