CustomerManagement is a well-organized and easy to navigate app with extended functionality to manage your personal and business contacts, create custom contact fields.
Now, you can get the iOS version and share the data.
Record important customer business categories, gender, avatar, first name, last name, company name, website, department, mobile, fax, address, email, notes...
Of course, you can also customize more user fields.
- Track your relationship with customers, customers or any professional acquaintance, record interaction logs and to-dos with customers.
- Customize customer categories, customer tags, and quickly match customers.
- Customer data can be filtered by customer category, customer gender.
- You can choose different customers, different date ranges (today, this week, this month, this year, all), view customer logs.
- You can choose different customers, different date ranges (today, this week, this month, this year, all) to view customer to-do items.
- Custom fields for each customer can be modified, custom key-values.
- Store important contact data with customizable user fields.
- CSV data for contacts, to-do, logs can be exported (all data & custom date ranges can be exported).
- Sort the customer's last name and name according to your usage habits.
- Quickly search for customer information, customer logs, customer to-dos, customer categories, customer tags.
- According to the needs of some users, gender can be set as:
Male, female, other, none.
- Password protection function, you can modify and remove the password at any time.
- iCloud synchronization and backup data.
- Automatic data synchronization when using Wi-Fi network.
- Share data with iOS version.
- CSV data export.
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