Dago Maps helps you known your current position, current place, current weather predictions. Provided with compass to navigate you if you get lost or help you for praying position.
You can search for another place. Dago Maps also will guide you to destination place.
You can search for interesting place nearby within radius and nearby map scale. You can search for ATM or restaurants or gas station or mini markets or supermarket or train station or plaza or stadium or mall, and another place near you.
Dago Maps also give you information about a destination place. Estimated time to go to destination place.
You can zoom Dago Maps, choose map type including Hybrid 3D World Map.
You can also pin your interesting place or accident. Let your friend know there are delicious foods somewhere, cheating gas station, report an accident, traffic report, and etc.
Dago Maps care about your safety when you travel, you can use panic button to instantly send text or SMS to local police, report your current position, and the police will respond to your text or SMS.
Augmented reality nearby place maps activated when device vertical. When vertical, Your search result show as marker on tiny map on left bottom screen and use camera to search for Dago augmented reality logo.
Dago Maps features:
- Hybrid 3D World Map
- New Navigation (long press on the marker after search place) with speech
- Detailed nearby place include phone number, website, place name
- Share interesting place or report accident
- More detailed weather report with weather notification
- New place information layout after search for place information
- Nearby place Augmented Reality
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