No support
In Verizon 27.0 released the second week of December of 2024 is still broken on version 30.0 for the iPhone. Wish they would have worked on 27.1 to make it work before releasing 28.0 a few days later and still broken. I check daily and they jumped to version 30.0 now and still broken. It was a bit of a grinder game esp in chapter 1 killing 50x T-Rex (is 50 really more game rewarding vs 5? Just a pure grinding goal for that one…) But 80-90% of the game depends on the ability to watch advertising links and it crashes every time. Something that is 100% reproducible should be an easy fix. Next week it will be a month since they broke it… and have gone through versions 27.0 to 30.0 and no improvement.