Dear POXEL Studios, The game is GREAT! But it is missing some key features: 1 Layers: The characters like Dude NPC’s and cops and Zombies can only go on one layer! So they dont sink or go up hills! 2 Noclip: Dudes and cops and Zombies can NOCLIP through walls! Which is pretty annoying when I am getting chased by the cops or I am chasing Dude NPC’s. 3 Emptyness: The buildings are great and creative, but empty! Some buildings you can’t even ENTER! So pls work on that too! 4 Vehicles: Some vehicles are GREAT but some aren’t! The vehicles should have size and weight accurate damaging! Because I don’t really know why if I run over someone with a skateboard , they INSTANTLY die! 5 Story: The story SO FAR is good and all but there is mainly just two quest lines: DudeChat quests and Richie’s quests! Pls update! 6 Money: The number of money you earn daily is about $575 wich is pretty low because for example: You lose mone when you fail a dUber Taxi Quest or get arrested (losing money for getting arrested isn’t bad it’s just an example). 7 Characters: Pls add Chad because we have been waiting a very long time for you to ad him! AND HE’S EVEN TEASED ON THE MAP! And pls add more characters (that you can unlock upon meeting and completing their quest)!