Pity (遺憾)
Trust me, you will hard to get happy after playing this game. Included you have so many money for this game. Not because this game is bad, this game's idea not bad and only have a little bored. The main point is too much bad people playing it, you never get Peace and hard to get stronger although you paid so many money in this game. 相信我,玩完這個遊戲你會很難開心起來。 包括你有很多錢玩這個遊戲。 不是因為這個遊戲不好,這個遊戲的創意還不錯,只是有點無聊而已。 最主要是人品差的人和壞人人數也不少,就算花那麼多錢也得不到和平,變強也很難。你會發現不停被受欺壓,並不會得到任何樂趣。