Could not use the video visit with my care provider for the whole appointment!(40mins)in vain!
<3 your welcome in advance! (This exact Info will be on review.) Terrible experience: The app for UC Davis “extended care cloud” has a video visit bug/s in the app for mobile” I never expected this and so I given a try and all my 40 mins were wasted in vain!( I come 3:50pm(appt: 4pm) it was a full fail in technical difficulties! From start to end! ( I was not seen on video them my care provider(screen frozen and the reconnection keep happening and turning into just blank white screen.( I have screen shots of everything I will give a review on the app and add screenshots! Your welcome in advance! <3 The good: is the phone call that I got after wasted with bugs on the “extended care cloud” for 40mins. Terrible: We discussed for about 5-10mins and obviously my time was up and everything would be rated cause of the technical difficulties poor to fair… Bad: The audio was fine until the screen just froze and the problem was persistent! For 40 mins in vain for appt.= appointment. The zoom has encrypted video visits/chats and I think the “extended care cloud” does not… so privacy 1-3/5 or below. If there is no encryption… during video calls or visits. 1) 2)